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Lifestyle & Skin Care Tips for Beautiful Skin


The key to beautiful skin is "normal turnover.

"We often hear the word "turnover" in magazines and TV commercials, such as "normal skin turnover" and "promote turnover for healthy skin.

"You may have vaguely heard that old cells are replaced by new ones, or that they are finally removed along with the dirt, but you may not know much about how the skin works.

Our daily skincare routine is also closely related to skin turnover. Knowing how your skin works can help you answer the question, "Why do I need to take care of my skin every day? This is the first step in creating beautiful skin. As the first step in creating beautiful skin, it is important to know how your skin works.

What is "skin turnover"?

Our skin is made up of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue. The uppermost epidermis consists of four layers: the stratum corneum, the stratum granulosum, the stratum spinosum, and the stratum basale.

The thickness of the skin varies depending on the area, but it is roughly 2 mm thick. The epidermis is as thin as 0.2 mm. The stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the epidermis, is only 0.02mm thick.

New skin cells born in the basal layer, the lowest part of the epidermis, gradually change their shape as they grow and are pushed upward by newly born cells.

It is said that it takes 14 days for the grown cells to reach the epidermis, and another 14 days for them to form the stratum corneum and naturally peel off as plaque. This rebirth of the skin is called "turnover".

What happens when turnover is disrupted?

Ideally, the cells born in the basal layer of the skin should take about 28 days to peel off as dirt, but as the metabolism declines with age, the speed of the process slows down. However, as our metabolism declines with age, the speed of the process slows down. Conversely, excessive skincare with the wrong methods can speed up the turnover process, and in both cases, skin problems are more likely to occur.

When the turnover cycle is disrupted, various skin problems are more likely to occur. When the turnover cycle is prolonged, plaque and wastes that should be naturally removed are retained in the epidermis, making the skin look somewhat hard, stiff, and dull.

In addition, when the skin is irritated by ultraviolet rays or excessive massage, the basal layer produces "melanin" to protect the skin, which can cause blemishes. As the turnover cycle slows down and more and more of this pigment accumulates, you will start to feel that your spots are getting darker or that you have more spots.

What happens if the turnover cycle is too fast? As the produced cells are pushed up to the surface of the skin while they are still small and immature, the barrier function of the skin is weakened. Less sebum is produced, and the skin becomes more prone to dryness, pimples, acne, and skin irritation.

Five lifestyle habits to keep in mind in order to prevent turnover disorder

[1] Make sure you get enough protein, which is the building block of the skin.

Protein is one of the essential nutrients for building skin, hair, nails and other parts of the body. Pork, chicken meat, seafood, soybeans, eggs, and cheese are rich in protein.

The amount of protein needed in a day varies from person to person, but it is said to be about 50 grams. It is easy to find out how much protein you need by looking at the label on the food, so it is a good idea to be aware of it.

[2] Drink a glass of water or white water when you wake up in the morning. It is good for relieving constipation.

In the morning, your body and skin are both lacking in water. In order to replenish the water lost during sleep, try drinking a glass of water or white water when you wake up in the morning. If you find it hard to drink, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to make lemon water, which will stimulate your colon and improve your bowel movement.

[3] Take a light walk or stretch to improve blood circulation!

If your blood circulation is stagnant, the nutrients necessary for skin production will not be able to reach the cells, and the turnover cycle will be disrupted. Your body may also show signs of discomfort such as coldness and stiff shoulders.

If you work at a desk, try to incorporate stretching and light massage that you can do while sitting. On your days off, take a walk around the neighborhood or do some other moderate exercise to refresh your mind and promote blood circulation.

[4] Lack of sleep is your skin's worst enemy! Get a good night's sleep!

Skin turnover is stimulated by the secretion of growth hormones while you sleep. This activity is said to be more active between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., so it is important to get a good night's sleep during this time. If you take a bath one to two hours before going to bed, the parasympathetic nervous system will work better and you will have a better quality sleep.

[5] Don't let stress build up.

If you are stressed out from housework, work, or other depressing events, it can cause rough skin. It can also lead to a vicious cycle of stress when you see your skin getting rough. In order to prevent stress from building up, it is important to take time to rest and relax.

Skin care tips for regulating turnover

Properly cleanse and wash your face.

In addition to daily cleansing, washing your face in the morning and evening can cause more irritation to your skin than you might think. It's easy to scrub your skin too hard, but the skin is very thin and delicate. Use a cleanser that is appropriate for your makeup and skin condition.

When washing your face with a cleanser, lather up your face with plenty of fine foam and gently wrap your face in it to minimize irritation.

Apply plenty of moisturizer.

In order to regulate turnover, it is also important to normalize the barrier function. Apply a generous amount of lotion about three times until you feel your skin soften. Once the lotion has thoroughly moisturized the skin, apply an oil such as milky lotion or cream to prevent the moisture from evaporating from the skin.

Prevent UV rays

UV rays are also a major irritant to the skin. When UV rays stimulate melanocytes, they encourage the production of melanin to protect the skin. Stimulated skin is more prone to disrupt the turnover cycle. UV protection is necessary all year round, but especially in the coming season when UV rays become more intense.

Let's aim for beautiful skin by regulating the turnover!

Skin turnover is easily disrupted by age and female hormones. It's important to get the nutrition you need and avoid stress, as your physical health will lead to healthy skin. "For example, "I'm going to eat more vegetables than usual today" or "I'm going to take more time to take care of my skin.


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